Sifu Rob Doggett
This training background is provided for your information only. Our hope is that you test everything for yourself and follow your own path regardless of who is pointing the way.
Photo: (Left to right: Sifu Rob with Sifu Ip Chun, son of Grandmaster Ip Man, Bruce Lee's teacher. Next to him is Sifu Duncan Leung, founder of Applied Wing Chun and Bruce Lee's classmate. At the end is Sifu Nick Banks, Applied Wing Chun Okinawa.)
Photo: (Left to right: Sifu Tim Tackett, Rob Roy McGregor, Sifu Rob Doggett, Sifu Kevin Beale, Sifu Jim McCann, Sifu Mick Thornton.)
Photo: (Left to right: All family) "I would be remiss if I did not highlight my Okinawan kickboxing family. I was with this band of brothers for nearly 3 years. Although JKD is an art for real violence on the street, these guys helped me apply JKD in the ring. "
Sifu Rob also served as a Coach for Bare Knuckle Boxing (BKFC) 135lb Champ, Reggie Barnett Jr.
Photo: (with Taekwondo Grandmaster Kim Yeon Kyung).
Photo: (Left to right: Sifu Don Presto, Sifu Duncan Leung, Sifu Rob Doggett).
Photo: (Training with Sifu Chien Yeh and his class, Yokohama, Japan).
Photo: (with Sifu John Kang, student of Sifu Lo Man Kam, Grandmaster Ip Man's nephew)
Photo: (Sifu John Wong Hung, son of Wong Shun Leung, senior classmate to Bruce Lee under Ip Man).
On the road or in the air! Sifu Rob offers workshops and seminars in the United States and around the world!